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A NLMP is a form that Canadian performers must complete in order for SOCAN to distribute royalties from the live performance to the songwriters.
According to Tariff 4A, (https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2017/2017-05-06/html/sup1-eng.html) songwriters are entitled to 3% of gross ticket revenue.
In cases where there are multiple bands or performers, the headliner is entitled to 90% of the royalty revenue and the support act receive 10%.
In all cases, the royalties go to the songwriters.
Note: setlists can be submitted retroactively up to one year back in Canada. For performances outside of North America, that deadline is extended up to 3 years. For American performances, the deadline may be as soon as 3 months depending on your PRO affiliation.

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